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[title text=”Our Company” style=”center”]

Are you looking for experts who have years of experience in the burglar, trellis expandable door security industry? Do you want to work with professionals who understand the meaning of quality and true excellence at all times?

If you answered yes to these questions, contact XCURITY today for anything to do with Expanding Gates, Security Barriers, Burglar Doors, Slam Locks, Trellis Doors, Trellis Windows, Swing Gates, Spanish Bars, Retractable Doors, Burglar Proofing and effective ways to Burglar Proof your Home.

Our drive force at XCURITY has over 28 years experience in the Expandable Security Industry and with the head office in Cape Town, our products and services have become totally accessible to most.

At XCURITY, we manufacture all our components for our trellis type doors such as the uprights, flights, track systems, legs and locks. We use only quality materials such as Galvanized steel, Alloy 6 and Aluminium. Epoxy coated in various colours.

For your peace of mind, we offer a 10 Year Warranty on the workmanship of our product. General Wear and Tear is not included.

Credit Card Facilities are available.

To get more information on what we do, feel free to visit our warehouse or give us a call and we can bring our warehouse to you.

XCURITY is expanding nationwide and looking for agents in and outside South Africa. Please contact us for more information.

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[team_member name=”Shaun Watson” title=”Group Director” style=”text-boxed” img=”103″]



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[team_member name=”John Watson” title=”Group Director” style=”text-boxed” img=”104″]





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